W-Band Up-Converter

75 to 110 GHz RF Output, DC to 12 GHz IF Input, WR-10 Waveguide
STV-00-10-S1 is a W-Band up-converter that converts IF signals from a frequency range of DC to 12 GHz with -5 dBm power to the millimeterwave frequency at 75 to 110 GHz. The up-converter requires 12.50 to 18.34 GHz at +3 dBm input power as its LO, which can be obtained from a standard 20 GHz synthesizer, such as Eravant model SOT-02220313200-SF-B6. The up-converter has low harmonic levels and excellent gain flatness, making it a good candidate to extend low frequency test equipment fro millimeterwave testing purposes.
ECCN: 3A001.b.7
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Technical Details

Minimum RF Frequency75 GHz
Maximum RF Frequency110 GHz
Minimum IF FrequencyDC
Maximum IF Frequency12 GHz
Minimum LO Frequency12.5 GHz
Maximum LO Frequency18.34 GHz
RF PortWR-10 Waveguide