E-Band Conical Horn Antenna

23 dBi Gain, 77 to 87 GHz, 0.110" Diameter Circular Waveguide
Availability:IN STOCKPlease contact us if you need more units than what is available online.
This model may be purchased with optional antenna testing services.
A gain measurement test is offered under service number FTA-WR10GAIN-AA.
A 2D pattern measurement test is offered under service number FTA-WR10PATT-AA.

CLICK HERE to read more about our antenna measurement capabilities.

SAC-2309-110-S2 is an E-band conical horn antenna that operates from 77 to 87 GHz. The antenna offers 23 dBi nominal gain and a typical half power beamwidth of 11 degrees on the E-plane and 13 degrees on the H-plane. The horn also offers typical side lobes of -20 dB on the E-plane and -28 dB on the H-plane. The conical horn can support linear and circular polarization. The input of this antenna is a 0.110” diameter circular waveguide with UG-387/U-M anti-cocking flange.
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Technical Details

Minimum Frequency77 GHz
Maximum Frequency87 GHz
Gain23 dBi
3 dB Beamwidth, E-Plane11°
3 dB Beamwidth, H-Plane13°
Return Loss23 dB
PolarizationLinear and Circular
Antenna Port0.110" Dia Circular WG